Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Jesus Loves Planned Parenthood Staff

I was finishing off a second plate of turkey when my news app flashed the message, "Hostage situation at a Colorado Planned Parenthood office". I don't know about you but my nerves where already a bit on edge because of the worldwide threat of terrorism. My first thought when I read the text... AGAIN, SERIOUSLY!!! Another violent shooting... Yet another example of a fool with a gun ending someone's life. My frustration only grew as I heard more...
The guy went on his senseless rampage because he was pro-life... 
Does this incongruity bother anyone else?

Does abortion end life that God has created? Yes. Is every life sacred to God? Yes. Does God want us to enter places where abortions clinics (like planned parenthood) and execute the staff? Certainly not. There are numerous ways in our country we can speak up and defend unborn children. Violence is not the answer because violence doesn't change hearts or bring people closer to Jesus.

Jesus loves all people, enough to take the punishment we deserved for sin. Jesus loves all people and loves to lead them toward godly changes in their life. This is the message that we need to promote. This is the message that brings peace to a woman who has had an abortion. This is the message that can change the staff person who stands behind Planned Parenthood.

There is an amazing story about Abby Johnson, a planned parenthood advocate who changed. It was the shock of seeing an abortion performed and the genuine kindness of the Christians next door changed her and led her to Christ. I recommend checking out a 2 minute summary of Abby's story Here to see what our peaceful witness to Christ can do.

This current event reminds us of the value all life has to our Savior and much more his desire to spend eternity with each of us. Check out and support organizations that are reaching out to mom's facing a scary reality, they're pregnant and don't know what they are going to do with the little life inside of them. Bay Area Life Center is doing a great job of helping mom's choose life for their child and know Jesus their Savior. 

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