Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Click HERE for Answers & Video

How well do you know the Christmas story?
Most of us know the general outline because we’ve heard or sung it or watched it being enacted in the Christmas programs at the local church or in the storyline from those endless Hallmark Christmas movies. We know about the shepherds, the angels, the “Wise Men,” the star, the innkeeper, camels, the long journey of Mary and Joseph, the baby in the manger, and we know about the gold, frankincense and myrrh. But how much of what we know is tradition and how much comes from the Bible?
Let's see what your Christmas IQ really is? Please answer the following questions below without first looking at the Bible or your Bible app on your phone. This is a wonderful tool to use when you gather his family and friends to celebrate this Christmas season.
Many of you have requested the video of the poet who welcomes you to church during the FIVE2.  Here is the video.

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