Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year, Time for Resolution...

Last night I went to the Broadview YMCA for my routine muscle enhancement session (workout...). I was surprised to find that there were only 2 parking spots available. I pulled into an available spot, checked in at the front desk and went upstairs. Sure enough, the place was packed. Every corner of the building had people lifting things up, putting them down, sweating to tunes and gasping for their next breath. That's when it hit me... It's a New Year. Everyone is working on their resolutions. I guess I'm not too worried about the crowds. Unfortunately many of them will fade away as we get further into January. After all, statistics tell us that only 8% of resolutions actually succeed. 

Maybe you're on a resolution to eat better, loose weight, get up earlier. I pray you're part of the 8% who succeed but I also pray that you consider adding something to your daily routine that is even more important than diet and exercise. The Youversion Bible App has been a great part of my life. 
Here's how:
  • Encouraging Verse of the Day (Everyday God provides someone I can share this passage with)
  • Reading plan that takes me through the Bible (4 times cover to cover through the Bible in the last 4 years)
  • It reads to me while I'm driving 

God's richest blessings on your new year and your resolutions as well. Remember the wisdom in the passage below and the NFL players in the video.
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)


  1. waoo nice post about Happy New Year, Time for Resolution...


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