Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Grow your Kids' Talents and Gifts

As children reach different developmental milestones, they also begin to show signs of emerging abilities. God blesses each of us with talents such as in music, sports, and art. The New Testament says God also gives us special abilities known as spiritual gifts, such as serving, encouraging, giving, leading, and showing mercy. 

Children don’t need to wait until they’re older to use their talents and gifts. But they may need help discovering and applying those things. And as their abilities develop, kids gain confidence by becoming more competent at the various activities they enjoy. 

Here are fill-in sentences to help your kids identify their talents and gifts. 

  1. I feel great when people notice how well I __________________. 
  2. My friends would say one of my best qualities is ______________. 
  3. I get annoyed when I have to ___________________________. 
  4. If I had a free afternoon, I’d enjoy ___________________________. 
  5. If I could volunteer, I’d really like to ___________________________. 
  6. The two happiest times in my life are ________________________. 
  7. One thing I do well without having to think about it is ____________. 
  8. People would be surprised to know that I __________________. 
  9. I feel like I help others when I ___________________________.
I found this and many other helpful parenting hints in St. Mark's Parenting Christian Kids Newsletter. Check it out by clicking here. Each month there is a new one available on the St. Mark Youth Page under Parenting Christian Kids -

In Jesus,

Pastor Hansen

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