Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Do You Agree With This List?

What if I gave you a list of ten things that any church could do that would bring almost immediate renewal and a larger audience for the Gospel?

Would you be interested in the list?

Most would be.

So here is one such list from one of the top Christian leaders* in America:

  1. Simplify your structure by putting the authority to make most decisions related to the practice of ministry in the hands of those with responsibility. Translation: let your leaders lead.
  2. Call/hire young, have singer who are young, program young. Why? You attract who you have lead worship, and most churches are growing old.
  3. Become more contemporary in terms of music and graphics, décor and topics, website and signage. It's 2015. Really. You can check.
  4. Stop preaching and start communicating practical truth. There's a difference.
  5. Shift the outreach focus away from the already convinced toward those who are not.  It's called the Great Commission.
  6. Prioritize your Sunday morning children's ministry in terms of money and staffing, square footage and resources. Do you really not know, after all this time, that the children's ministry is your most important ministry for outreach and growth?
  7. "It's the weekend, stupid."
  8. Help everyone find their spiritual gifts and then help them channel those gifts toward ministry.
  9. Target men. Get the man, you tend to get the family.
  10. Proclaim the full counsel of God without compromise or dilution. All you get with a watered-down message is a watered-down church. And a watered-down church has nothing to offer the world it does not already have.

Now, what I just shared with you that the vast majority of churches already know this list.  Not only do they know the list, they would agree with most if not all of it.

But they refuse to act on it.

It's true.

And the reason tends to be the same, in church after church, around the world: they don't want to change.

Which brings up another list.

It's the list of the seven last words of the church:

"We never did it that way before."

Sources:  Adapted from James Emery White, The Church in an Age of Crisis: 25 New Realities Facing Christianity (Baker).


  1. thanks for sharing this story I have learned new think today this was an amazing tip for me.

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    ปีโดยมีแนวทางบำบัดรักษาว่า (ใช้สิ่งที่คล้ายคลึงกันมารักษาสิ่งที่คล้ายคลึงกัน) หรือการนำเอาสารที่เป็นต้นเหตุของอาการนั้นๆ

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