Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stand up & Raise Your Voice

On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him.” (Acts 8:1-2)

      Reading again the events that led to the first Christian martyrs death I’m confronted with a simple question.

      Stephan was hand selected by the Apostles to care for issues within the church. It appears Stephen was doing well at his assignments and along the way was witnessing his faith to all who would listen. Yet some bad characters who didn’t believe the message had Stephan arrested and put on trial which ultimately led to his death. Why did God let this happen to such a good witness? Why not intercede and rescue Stephen from persecution and a painful death?
            Perhaps Stephens’ death led to more people carrying the Gospel to places they never would have. Perhaps Stephens’ tragic death emboldened others who faced similar persecution to remain faithful to the end. We will not know the full measure of God’s plan in allowing this to happen to Stephen but in keeping with Romans 8:28 we can be sure that God used this tragedy for Stephan’s ultimate good and for the good of other Christians. Even in pain, tears, loss, grief, and sadness God is good and working on behalf of his people. We need not always know why or how but we can certainly trust that he is.

Stand like Stephen
Men please stand and pray the following with me. “Stephen was a great Christian to the end. He showed wisdom and the Holy Spirit to other people even when it was inconvenient. I’ve not always been good at that, in fact, I’ve failed. My strength as a leader for my family and others in my life does not come from me but the Savior who has first forgiven me. I stand for Christ. The enemy is not my spouse, children, boss, or people. I remember the enemy is the devil and sin that so easily destroys. I stand for my family. I will stand with them in glory if it be your will Lord.”
Women please stand and pray the following with me. “Stephen was a great Christian to the end. I want God to create more and more men like Stephen. I have not always supported the men in my life, in fact, I’ve torn them down. My strength to support and encourage Godly leaders is from my Savior who has forgiven me. I stand for Christ. I stand to support my family. I will stand with them in glory if it be your will Lord.”

In what way will you stand up for Christ today?

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