Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Quick Reminder: Couples, fill in the blank.

M: (to the groom): _____________, will you take _____________ to be your wife? Will you be guided by the counsel and direction God has given in his Word and love your wife as Christ loved the Church? Will you be faithful to her, cherish her, support her, and help her in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? If so, answer, "I will."
G: I will.

M: (to the bride): _______________, will you take ________________ to be your husband? Will you be guided by the counsel and direction God has given in his Word and submit to your husband as the Church submits to Christ? Will you be faithful to him, cherish him, support him, and help him in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? If so, answer, "I will."
B: I will.

M: Join your right hands, and make your promises to each other:
(The groom and bride will say in turn)
I, __________________, in the presence of God and these witnesses, take you, ____________, to be my wife/husband. I promise to be faithful to you as long as we both shall live.


If these short statements sound familiar it is because they are taken from a typical wedding service we perform in our church. I write it out this morning that perhaps more than a few married couples (and myself) would be reminded to fill in the blank with your name and the name of your spouse… because sometimes we forget.

At first marriage is wonderful, exciting, and new. You enjoy the unique way in which your spouse talks, thinks, and does things. The odd part though, these same characteristics can soon drive you crazy, lead to conflict, and change the blessing of marriage into drudgery. Remember your vows.

There are no conditionals in the vow you took with your spouse. There is no fine print stating, “If I get sick of stubbornness… Or if I know I’m right and they’re wrong… I can stop my committed love to them.” The fine print is not there because marriage is patterned after the committed love that Christ showed to you. Jesus didn’t hold anything back but sacrificed himself for you therefore husbands don’t hold back any good thing for your wife. In response to Jesus’ love Christians dedicate their life to Jesus therefore wives dedicate yourself to your husband.

Marriage can be wonderful, exciting, and new every day when you remember Jesus as the foundation in your vows and your marriage. Don’t forget to go back regularly and fill in the blanks.

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