This account is not unique. There are many who face the challenge of getting back to independent living right here in Green Bay. That's why we are creating "Operation Clean Start" which will be an ongoing ministry of our Green Bay site. Operation Clean Start will provide basic household supplies to newly housed persons who will be coming from shelters, half-way houses and returning to independent living. We will be networking with Freedom House and the Brown County Jail system. There is potential that we may be helping transition up to a dozen families and individuals per month.
The effort will provide basic cleaning products to assist with reentry to independent and productive living. St. Mark will also provide a Bible and information for spiritual growth as well as a resource folder with places to go if they are in need beyond what St. Mark can assist. Our goal is to help these individuals and families not only get a clean start in their new place, but also a clean start with God.
We do this knowing that our greatest need is a clean heart before God. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10). A clean heart is only made possible through the forgiveness that Jesus earned. It's because of Jesus that our yesterdays are cleaned, our todays can be new and our tomorrows can be steadfast. That's why we want to share Jesus through Operation Clean Start.
Volunteer opportunities for this project include: 1) Helping coordinate this project; 2) Helping collect donated supplies each month; 3) Helping package the donated supplies into our Operation Clean Start kit; 4) Distributing the kits to those in need each month; 5) Becoming a prayer partner for those seeking God while seeking to regain independent living.
Do you want to learn more about this opportunity to make a difference in someone's life? Are you sensing the Lord's calling to get involved? Attend our next Outreach Team meeting at our Green Bay site on Monday, August 29 at 6:30pm. Our Green Bay site is located two blocks north of Lambeau on Oneida St. (1167 Kenwood, Green Bay).
Got questions? Contact Pastor Chris at