Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Secret to a Growing Church

The Importance of Your Personal Invitation

Jesus had an individual and a crowd-based approach to evangelism. So did the apostles. So did the early church. So did the Reformers. So did individuals such as Charles Wesley, D. L. Moody and Billy Graham.

            If the church has a “front door,” and it clearly does, why shouldn’t it be opened wide and then strategically developed for optimal impact for any and all nones (those people who identify themselves as having no religious affiliation) who may venture inside? I already here you: “But isn’t that your point? They aren’t going to venture inside? So why bother?” … They will venture inside, just not on their own. There is one thing that 82% of all unchurched people can’t seem to resist. It cuts through their defenses and penetrates their barriers. According to surveys at Life Way Research, 82% of them seem to have a single weakness: if a friend, or someone they know, invited them to church. Reread that: 82% of all unchurched people would come to church this weekend if they were invited by a friend.  And if you could get them there, imagine what you could achieve. They could be exposed to the collective energies, gifts, resources, and influence of your church at its best.  (“The Rise of the Nones” by James Emery White  P. 152-153)

Bring someone with you this weekend!

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