Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas With a Capital "C"

As of this writing, the GoFish song "Christmas with a Capital C" is one of the most requested songs on Christian radio. This song sampled my Christmas rant from “Put a Helmet On!” and has well over 17 MILLION hits on YouTube. The song and my routine is simply a response to the politically correct nonsense that has essentially censored the age-old American tradition of celebrating Christmas in stores, schools and businesses.

Of course “Christmas” itself is not being censored in that there is still a break given to school kids nation wide that has somehow morphed into a celebration of snow and winter, because after all, who doesn’t feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they see slush and freezing rain? It is the use of the word Christmas and its religious connotations that are being erased of course. The fact that we still have stores selling gifts, ribbon, trees, wrapping paper, tinsel, stars, ornaments, and the green and red theme colors is a sad testimony to what political correctness does to truth.

Even though all of these items are here ONLY because of Christmas, (not Hanukah or Kwanza or Ramadan) they pretend it isn’t there and by doing so it will force it to disappear. My beef with this fascism in the name of sensitivity by the way is not saying we shouldn’t be respectful of non-Christians and dissenting viewpoints. My problem was that this tradition has existed for well over 150 years in America. It is not about forcing non-Christians to celebrate Christmas, it is the fact that it has been taken away from everyone. Removing something that always was is a far cry from forcing it on others.

I could quibble about the immaturity and lack of tolerance from the small minority that is apparently outraged and traumatized by a dogmatic religion that would pound us over the head with such intolerant a concept as “Peace on earth good will towards men” when it suddenly occurred to me. Christmas is a gift. Christmas is a celebration of God almighty humbling Himself towards His creation in creating an opportunity for humanity to be restored to fellowship with its creator. Yet even from its inception there were those that refused the gift. Those who want the grace and forgiveness and love but are adamant that they want nothing to do with repentance, humbleness, and sanctification.

What has happened in America is a natural outcropping of the fallen man and his rebellion. We will accept God in small doses and only under the caveat that we get to decide who God is and what role He will be permitted to affect our behavior. We have the proof even in some Christian denominations that have kept the Jesus of “love” as long as love doesn’t conflict with the new cultural norm of morality. They allow the culture to define their faith instead of the purpose of Christianity and Christmas in redeeming culture.

Does Jesus love us all, you bet. Does love mean no perimeters for our choices? No. That is actually called hate. To allow someone to make choices that are repulsive to God without GENTLY and humbly steering them toward freedom isn’t love at all.

I guess what I’m saying is Christmas will never leave America. It will be celebrated by churches and in the homes of Christ followers who can decorate all they choose (for now). We are to offer the gift of Christmas to everyone and yet allow him or her the option to opt out. I feel sorry for America though. It was at one time such a beautiful tradition for us all. We are post modern now folks and secular, and so now we are to draw inspiration from holiday tree’s and freezing snow and wind to truly bring us as a nation together. What a gift we’ve been given huh?

-Brad Stine

**Brad Stine will be performing at St. Mark on Friday, March 20th!  Tickets on sale now by visiting

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