Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Speaking Truth in Love... It's Not Always Easy

An email was passed to me the other day that dealt with a rather sensitive issue: gay marriage.  In this article it shared how a cake maker refused to make a cake for a gay marriage and finally had to close their doors.  It appears from other news linked to this article that this isn’t the first such incident – there have been other cake makers and photographers as well. 

One side of the issue says, if I make a cake or take a photo job for a gay couple that wants to be married I’m condoning their action and participating in what God through-out the Bible says is wrong.  On the other side some say, if you refuse a service to someone because of their lifestyle it is the same as refusing a service because of nationality or race.  This is pretty heated and very emotional on both sides.

As a Christian, I’m torn.  I know my sins are no better or worse than someone living in a gay relationship.  Homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:21-28) that is just as wrong in God’s eyes as gluttony, tax evasion, or a wondering covetous thought.  God says, “All sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4) Christ paid for all sins (Romans 3:23-24) and that includes my sins and the LBGT down the road.  This gift of God is the only thing that will change hearts.  Legislature, refusal of services, or a mean look can not change a person’s lifestyle or heart. 

Does this mean we do or say nothing -- or -- should we simply say ‘Jesus loves you’ to anyone and everyone without talking about sin?  I don’t think this is biblically honest either.  On the one hand Jesus showed a lot of grace to a woman caught in a sin that could have been stoned for her activities (John 8ff).  On the other hand Jesus did call out her sin for what it was.  Hebrews 10:26ff shares the danger of knowing something is a sin and continuing in it anyway.  We must call sin for sin.  Not because we feel we’re better or to hurt or punish another individual but just because of honest love for the individual.  This may look different depending on the situation.  There is a time to be blunt and straight forward and there is a time to listen, empathize and speak gently. 

Pray for wisdom because as has happened in other places in our country will soon be coming to your city.  We will be faced with how we will handle this issue on a very personal level.  When we are, we will do well to “not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21) and “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).

I’d appreciate your feedback on this sensitive issue. 

-Eric Hansen, Discipleship Pastor

Articles referenced:

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